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Here's a few of the proposed Tsawwassen developments on the horizon

The community will be seeing even more applications that don’t require a public hearing
The Town Centre redevelopment would be the single biggest application in Tsawwassen. Century Group image

Several development applications in Tsawwassen will soon be making their way to council’s table in 2025, the first full year of Delta’s new Official Community Plan (OCP)

Among them is a revised development proposal that would see a new six-storey building called The Park.

Consultation has recently wrapped up for the revised proposed development, at 5360 12th Ave. and 1146, 1156 and 1170 53A St.

The rezoning, subdivision and development permit would allow ground-level commercial space, as well as 67 condo units but no lock-off units, as well as 156 vehicle parking spaces.

The proposal is consistent with the Neighbourhood Centres and Corridors designation in the new OCP, according to the development department.

Proposals now consistent with the OCP do not have to go through a public hearing.

The city earlier this year received an application, and then held a public information meeting, for a five-storey mixed-use building at the site.

That proposed project included 65 smaller residential apartment units, including 13 lock-off units that could be divided into separate living units. The application also included commercial floor area at-grade, along with 143 vehicle parking spaces.

The application was later revised as city council approved the new OCP.

Meanwhile, public consultation will take place on the proposed major redevelopment of the Tsawwassen Town Centre shopping mall.

The Century Group Lands Corporation application is to replace the one-storey mall, which opened in 1971, with four mixed-use residential buildings up to 24-storeys in height situated on separate podiums. The low-rise residential buildings and podiums would be between five-and-six storeys.

To have 1,433 residential units, including a mix of strata, market and non-market rentals, as well as commercial space including a 31,000-square-foot grocery store, the rezoning would be consistent with the site’s Urban Centre (UC) land use designation under the OCP.

In a recent update, the city noted it will be hosting three public Information meetings in the first quarter of 2025 to introduce the application and to receive feedback. The meetings include one on-line meeting that would feature a presentation and question-and-answer period, as well as two in-person meetings that would be drop-in format with no presentation.

The city noted it will be sending a notification letter to all property owners in Tsawwassen with information on the dates and times.

Meanwhile, on a smaller scale but still generating a lot of talk, council is to also consider an application to build even more housing units on a residential lot than what the Delta’s new Small-Scale Multi-Unit Housing (SSMUH) rules permit.

The application for the property at 6525 3rd Ave. is for an OCP amendment to redevelop the site into a 12-unit residential development.

Submitted around the same time council approved the new SSMUH zoning amendments in the summer, it is the first application to build more than four units on a single-family residential lot under the SSMUH rules.

Requiring a public hearing because the proposal does not adhere to the new OCP, the application includes two three-storey townhouse buildings on the west side of the site, each with four units, as well as two two-storey detached garage buildings on the east side of the site, each with two apartment units above the garages.