Price: $2,510,000
Lot Size: 5.02 acres
Property Type: Land
Zoning: M4
Date of Sale: 05/29/2017
City: Chilliwack
Province: B.C.
Name of Brokerage: Colliers International
Five acres of land in Cattermole Industrial Estates sold for $2.5 million, Randy Heed and Malcolm Earle of Colliers International report.
Cattermole Industrial Estates is an area in Chilliwack with over 100 acres of industrial development land. The Colliers sale only accounts for a small portion of the land, zoned for heavy industrial. The Cattermole property combines convenient Highway #1 access with world-class waterfront development sites along the banks of the Fraser River.
The site is located at 7582 Cannor Rd., Chilliwack.
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